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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fun news and difficult trials

Well My boy proposed to me on our vacation this last September in North Carolina on the OBX. He did it at sunrise with my husband there, on the beach. It was beautiful! He had asked my husbands permission like my husband asked my father. Not that I am viewing myself as owned by these men which is the historical significance to the permission asking, but that I show it as a sign of respect and that they honor the approval of the one that came before them. He proposed with a peridot (faux) toe ring. I love it, however it wasn't the best quality. He wanted to get a much better one but he didn't have the money before vacation.

other than the good news we have been having a problem my boy injured himself at work and was then the first to be laid off. Well because his back is on fire all the time, we have not had a chance to truly have play sessions. I have now seen the in person effect of non-play on a true submissive. He has become bratty and bitchy. Well I keep him in line mostly, but he has a bit of trouble keeping in line when there is not a regular play time whether beating or sessioning or training. But some of those are almost impossible to do when your submissive is not in a physical condition to do much. Hopefully we can get him to a doctor soon, as he has no insurance. Well hopefully he will be back to his normal and fully submissive self soon.

We finally got a new house it is on 3 acres, and in the back is a huge barn which is three times the size of the local play space. It is going to take a lot of money and time to fix it but we have gotten a lot of volunteers to help out with making it an operational space. suspension, wax, crosses, all kinds.

Well on the front of poly, hubby and I are very happy with our third. We love him, and really enjoy having him as a part of the family. I am truly blessed! Oh and btw, I am going to be starting my Masters in Psychology and then my PhD in the same, I am wanting to be a poly, kink, family, and PTSD counselor, so wish me luck!