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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Do I have a sign on my forehead?

Lately I have had a very weird couple of months, a lot of people have come back into my life randomly. I think this is odd because of the fact that I am finally and entirely happy. Three ex boyfriends, 3 ex submissives (one formerly collared) and 4 former lovers. WTFH? Is all I can say.... most have come back begging to be in my life. Others are just trying to find that lost connection. I don't get it. They either broke my heart or stopped talking to me, now they want me back? They dated, or played with someone else, realized what they were missing out on and came slithering back.

It feels to me that the world knows I am happy and wants to do whatever it can to fuck it up. It has happened in the past, but not like this.

One of the ex bfs and I started talking and all was good, he knew about the current bf from first notice. Then all of the sudden he kept dwelling on the "omg she will never be a part of my life again" thing and my having a bf. He was one of the ones that just felt he didn't have time for me anymore, and slowly piddled out of my life. I am not going to wait around for you to get your balls back and have time for me again.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your newfound happiness is truly contagious. If it were me, I'd take advantage of the situation of the returnees; life is too short to miss out. With some, though, you have to cut bait!
